Track Anything, Anywhere for Businesses

Add AI-Powered Location Tracking to Your Business

Right-sized Asset Tracking Solutions, Customized to Fit Your Needs, Leveraging Open Hardware and Software Architectures

Infiswift Technologies works with your team to quickly identify the best fit asset tracking solution for your needs, and uses open hardware and flexible software architectures to deploy a working solution in weeks, not months.

How It Works

Asset location updates can be generated by mobile phones, cameras, and tracking beacons.

Managing asset locations and activities can be tracked through a web or mobile application, or Infiswift can send asset location updates to existing IT systems via API or direct database entry.

    We make tracking solutions for businesses. We can't track personal phones, phone numbers, packages that have already shipped, or items that are already lost, and we won't track people without them knowing.

    Asset Tracking Applications

    Asset tracking solutions by Infiswift support a variety of applications and can be configured to deliver real-time or periodic location updates. Additional asset status and activity data are configured based on the asset type and your requirements.

    Tools: Portable tools and equipment that travel between buildings or job sites can be tracked in real-time or last known location.

    Spare Parts: Spare parts and consumables can be tracked as individual parts (for high value items) or at quantity and integrated with work order planning processes.

    Personnel: Add intelligent and open tracking to your personnel management and access control system, including support for productivity tools your team will embrace.

    Process & Manufacturing: Track materials, products, and equipment usage, all with technology that fits your existing ecosystem.

    Inventory: Automatically update check-out/check-in processes, inventory true up-cycles, and configure alerts for inventory usage or status changes.

    Hardware Technologies

    Some companies require you to use their proprietary hardware, which may not be the best fit for your use case. Infiswift Technologies works with your team to identify the best hardware strategy that is tailored to drive the results you care about.

    GPS Tracking: GPS receivers can be combined with other units, or deployed as a stand alone device, and provide a latitude and longitude of the device based on signals from satellites.

    RFID Tracking: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags provide a unique identifier that is read by scanners or gateways.

    BLE Beacons: Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons broadcast a device identifier which is identified and read by gateways or mobile devices.

    Mobile Devices: Mobile phones or tablets can act as both a location update generator (using the internal GPS) and as a gateway to read the signal from BLE Beacons.

    Cameras for Tracking: Cameras can be combined with AI Vision to identify individual assets, and generate a location update the Asset Tracking solution can use.

    Asset Tracking Outcomes

    We understand that effective tracking solutions require outcomes specific to your business and stakeholders. We’ve built our platform and technology from the ground up to deliver your tracking data in the context most impactful for you.

    Hardware Agnostic: Infiswift Asset Tracking works with any open hardware system, and can be configured to use a mix of existing and new hardware to generate and manage asset location updates.

    AI Powered Location Updates: Artificial Intelligence reduces effort, increases accuracy, and helps deliver more value to your Asset Tracking Solution.

    Flexible Deployments / Licensing: Infiswift Technologies uses a right-sized business model, so your deployment and licensing agreement is optimized for your use case.

    Indoor Location Tracking: Indoor, outdoor, and mixed tracking use cases are supported.

    Real-Time Location Tracking (RTLS): Real-time updates for assets can be combined with intelligent triggers to save battery life and bandwidth costs.

      We make tracking solutions for businesses. We can't track personal phones, phone numbers, packages that have already shipped, or items that are already lost, and we won't track people without them knowing.